Gwen Marcus is one of the premier figurative sculptors working in the United States today. Her work can be seen in museums and exclusive private and public collections internationally.

Critics have praised Marcus for her "sensitivity and comprehension of the human form." Each figure is "powerfully executed and finished with meticulous attention to detail," demonstrating her insistence on the highest degree of excellence and quality in her work. Marcus's "ability to capture movement and emotion in her subjects, along with their inner and outer beauty," is what distinguishes her work.


Receive invitations to upcoming receptions
and information on recent works and exhibits

The unveiling and ceremony for Vice Admiral Colin J. Kilrain USN/SEAL (ret.) Monument. August 8th, 2024, Town Hall, Braintree, Massachusetts.

The Tempest


'The Tempest' in Front of the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Massachusetts

The Tempest

This past summer and autumn Gwen had a one-person exhibition and gave a lecture about her work and process at the museum.


'The Catch'


'The Catch' was permanently placed at the Orleans Firebirds Baseball Field in Eldredge Park, MA.
The dedication ceremony and honorary first ball throw by Gwen was held July 30th, 2019


Gwen at the stunning new Chimei Museum, Taiwan

Gwen visited the newly reopened Chimei Museum. Numerous works by Gwen are currently on exhibit from their permanent collection.

The Chimei Museum boasts one of the largest collections of violins in the world, and significant collections of ancient weapons and Western paintings and sculptures. The new building, which was under construction for four years, is an eye-catching structure that features a European-style design.

Straz Center for the Performing Arts


"Performance in Sculpture" Exhibit

Gwen with Judith Lisi, President, Chief Executive Officer of the Straz Center for the Performing Arts, Tampa, Florida by her sculpture 'Ete'. Gwen attended the closing reception for 'Performance in Sculpture', works by National Sculpture Society Members.

Lectures, Class

Artist in Residence and Taught a Masterclass at Brookgreen Gardens

Gwen was invited to lecture about her work and conduct a masterclass workshop at Brookgreen Gardens.

Gwen was invited to give lectures on her work at the National Cheng Kung University Art Center in Taiwan. The event was organized by the Chi Mei Museum, where her works are on permanent display in their collection.

The Museum lent two of Gwen’s works, 'The Bather' and 'Serenity', as a temporary outdoor exhibit on the grounds of the University where she also spoke at a press conference

Gwen’s one person exhibit and lecture at the Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, Massachusetts

>More Info

Marcus is the recipient of many prestigious awards and honors including:

  • Gold Medal of Honor, The Allied Artists of America, Inc.
  • Gold Medal of Honor, The American Artist Professional League, Inc. (a five-time recipient)
  • Gold Medal of Honor, Audubon Artist, Inc. (two-time recipient)
    Gold Medal, Council of American Artist Societies Traditional Figurative Gold Award, Audubon Artists
  • Gold Medal of Honor, The Hudson Valley Art Association
  • Centennial Medal of Honor and (three-time recipient) of the Gold Medal of Honor, The Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club
  • Gloria Medal, National Sculpture Society
  • Certificate of Merit, The National Academy of Design
  • First Prize Award Assoicate with Distinction, American Women Artists
  • Who's Who in American Art, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the World
  • Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime
    Achievement Award
  • Fellow and served on the board of the National Sculpture Society

Recent News

Recently completed commission of Vice Admiral Colin J. Kilrain. The dedication ceremony to take place August 8th, 2024 in Braintree, MA.

>Click here for see ‘Vice Admiral Colin J. Kilrain'

Sculpture Review Magazine Solo Exhibition 'A Personal Touch'
Figurative Sculptures by Gwen Marcus
June 8, 2024-July 6, 2024
The Gallery at Tree’s Place, Orleans, Ma

The Gallery at Tree's Place was just honored with the 2024 Gold first place in Cape Cod Life Magazine for the Best Fine Arts Gallery on the lower cape.

The Reception will be on: June 8, 2024
5:00-7:00 PM
Sculpture Review Magazine

Recent Article and Cover of Sculpture Review Magazine

Studio Evolution: From the Basement to Perfection


Newest Work and recent Awards:


Bronze, Life-size child
37 1/2"h x 12 1/2"w x 17"d

  • Excellence in Traditional Figurative Sculpture Award, Audubon Artists 82nd Annual Exhibition, Audubon Artists, Inc., New York

>Click here for more information on ‘Jasmine'

Recent Awards


12 1/4"h x 9 1/2"w x 13"d

  • The Gold Medal of Honor, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, New York


17 1/2"h x 10"w x 17"d

  • First Prize Award Assoicate with Distinction, American Women Artists, 2024 Annual Online Juried Show, Missouri
  • Agop Agopoff Memorial Prize, National Sculpture Society, New York
  • Peoples Choice award, Brookgreen Gardens Sculpture Museum, South Carolina


28"h x 9 1/4"w x 7"d

  • Carey Boone Nelson Memorial Award for a Traditional Sculpture, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, New York

‘Water’s Edge’

24"h x 9 1/2"w x 8”d

  • Council of American Artist Societies, Inc. Award for Excellence in Representational Figurative Sculpture, 111th Allied Artists of America Juried Online Show, New York